
Greetings! I have long described myself as a philosophical being. I have especially come to terms with this in consideration of my military lifestyle. That meant traveling from place to place picking up everyone’s ideologies along the way; making me an over-exposed under the influence individual. This coupled with my naturally inquisitive and analytical nature has meant a longstanding inclination to ask  the same questions many philosophers ask and attempt to answer. To say the least, now staring into my young adult life, I find myself more and more fascinated with knowledge, its acquisition, its application, and its power. Thus Baylor. And thus PHI 3310. And thus Curd:

This intro points to exactly how I imagine the beginning of philosophy would have played out. I imagine Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes being similar to my old high school debate team and I. We would sit at Starbucks being controversial just for the sport of it. It was in these moments that we, for lack of a better description, had our most essential philosophical breakthroughs.

I probably would've sounded like Thales arguing the Arche to be water. Maybe it is because I'm an Aquarius but there was some validity in his assumptions. Through the eyes of a material monist, the most sensible thing seems to be water. It is essential to the sustenance of life, it appears infinite and indestructible (to someone of that time), and it is organically linked to us. It may seem like the most obvious or perhaps even juvenile of the Arche ideas, but its that kind of simplicity in complexity that I have to nod to.
